Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Cool Idea: Giga-Storage at the Right Price

These days, computers are used for just about anything but computing. Ripping video, piping music through your system or downloading huge graphics files are just a few of the operations which require massive storage requirements.

Just a few years ago, people thought a 20 gigabyte drive was huge. (Actually, I am still running 6 blogs, 2 websites and various other operations on my Mac Powerbook G3 with a measly 2 Gig drive.) But those days are over. If you want to store music, videos or graphics, you're eventually going to hit the hard drive wall.

There are lots of choices out there for external drives (yes, you must back up your files!), but none better than these portable drives by from Pexagon Tech.

The all new Store-It Colors line of portable USB hard drives from Pexagon Tech, featuring a small 2.5" form factor hard drive, are red hot. With storage ranges from 40GB up to 160GB, these pocket-sized dynamos are priced right, too - from just $59.99 for the 40-gig to 169.99 for the 160-gig, and they're personalizable.

When you order online at the Pexagon Tech web site, you can laser engrave both sides with whatever you like. And there's NO setup charge and NO order minimum. Way, way cool. 5 shades!!

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