Sunday, November 05, 2006


Karl Strikes again? Where?

Where will the evil genius strike this time? The shorter list may be where will he not. FL 2000, GA 2002, OH 2004... and in 2006 there are already clear prints in Connecticut and Tennessee. Can Maryland, Missouri, and Montana be far off the screen? Virginia? New Jersey? And what of all the scenes of hot house races? New York, California, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Florida, Connecticut maybe again? The ferret sneak peeks from a thousand holes, the points of darkness. If the opposition had a near-history of being ready for the rumble, the the list might not appear so lugubriously long. Thence, methinks, the smugness of persons staring at such bleak numbers and sour moods.

A disparity between our contemporary democratic republic and that of the times of Franklin, Madison and Mason, et al, seems to be the current fourth estate disfunction. While the internet holds great promise admittedly, can the fractious cacophony ever really become a focused force? Meanwhile the Times/Post/Airwaves/etc. collective are just too invested to bear full witness. Now there is an agreement to withhold exit polling data....again!!! Could there be a more resonant harbinger of the people and the nation's imminent undoing?

Slap me Rick, tell me something I don't know, remind me of something forgotten or overlooked....puh-leeze! Tuesday is greatly anticipated, yet ennervation gnaws at all my excitment. I have never wanted to be more wrong, but my fear is personal, ubiquitous and unshakeable.

This morning's local paper trumpets a front page kicker claiming Voters say amid scandal, acrimony, 'It's hard to know what's true, false.' Score a big one for the puppet, and his evil genius manipulator.

Earlier this week, radio host Big Ed Schultz entertained a self-described conservative Republican caller, whom, after professing to like the show, asked if there was any way the GOP might pull the impending election "out of the fire" and not have to hear whining about "vote fraud?" My response to that caller, my plea, as someone who longs for a modest and moderate Republican party, is, to the degree you have extended yourself and your party to address concerns about voter disqualification and transparent vote tabulation, is the degree to which I honor your complaint about whining.

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