Wednesday, November 01, 2006
John Kerry Teases the Blogosphere
Right wing nut jobs can't even understand bad jokes. What's worse, they try to make hay by misinterpreting the intent of the bad joke. And even scarier, it works!
The mud is flying over John Kerry's gaffe the other night in Pasadena and the right wing media and bloggers are dumb enough to fall for it.
Kerry, speaking in Pasadena to a student group on Monday night, said
The laughter from the assembled students who obviously got the reference to president Bush has been cut from most clips on the networks, the faux news shows and all of right wing radio.
John McCain and President Bush called on Kerry to apologize to the troops, but, like Kerry, I'd like these two chickenhawks to apologize to the American people and the troops for the massive failure they whipped up in Iraq.
Kerry issued a written response and then spoke out boldly:
The New York Times has the text of Kerry's response.
And I'd be welcome to any of the right wing bloggers to explain any of the following: what we're doing in Iraq; who the enemy is; what "victory" would look like, or; how we can be seen as winning.
So, as usual, there's the kind of mindless screed one encounters on blogs like Riehl (rhymes with "heil") World View:
Question to Reihl: Name one Democrat who's been 'tossed out' of the party.
And of course, the insipid rhetoric from the parroting Flopping Aces blog:
But the post of the day goes to blogger Jon Swift, who penned 'John Kerry Goes Nucular', in which he opines,
His tongue-in-cheek approach is refreshing, especially as we are at the height of the mud-slinging season.
Kerry doesn't need to apologize to the troops, though he obviously needs to apologize to the Democrats he's harmed by his poor delivery of a bad joke.
Why can't Democrats do comedy? Think Al Gore, or Kerry, or John Murtha. Not funny guys. I suppose they're too focused on the real problems facing our nation and how to avoid being swiftboated by the Republican spin machine to be humorous.
Maybe the real threat of America turning into an unelected, unconstitutional right-wing theocratic quasi-military dictatorship has affected their funny bone.
How about an Al Franken / Stephanie Miller ticket in 2008? At least their delivery would be crisp.
In the end, Rove and the right-wing nut-jobs won this round. Kerry has now withdrawn from the political scene - at least for the next 7 days.
The fact that George Bush called out Kerry on this reinforces the idea that the Republicans are desperate and they'll distort anything that suits their totalitarian-minded purposes.
With less than a week before the mid-terms, it's time to start planning for the worst. If the Republicans lose control of Congress like every poll in America says they should, they won't give up easily and there will be challenges and charges of fraud from the right. If they retain control, it will be due to manipulation, disenfranchisement and outright theft of the voting process. Either way, it looks like November 7 will be just the beginning of the fight.
The mud is flying over John Kerry's gaffe the other night in Pasadena and the right wing media and bloggers are dumb enough to fall for it.
Kerry, speaking in Pasadena to a student group on Monday night, said
You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.
The laughter from the assembled students who obviously got the reference to president Bush has been cut from most clips on the networks, the faux news shows and all of right wing radio.
John McCain and President Bush called on Kerry to apologize to the troops, but, like Kerry, I'd like these two chickenhawks to apologize to the American people and the troops for the massive failure they whipped up in Iraq.
Kerry issued a written response and then spoke out boldly:
I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy. If anyone owes our troops in the fields an apology, it is the president and his failed team and a Republican majority in the Congress that has been willing to stamp -- rubber stamp policies that have done injury to our troops and to their families.
The New York Times has the text of Kerry's response.
And I'd be welcome to any of the right wing bloggers to explain any of the following: what we're doing in Iraq; who the enemy is; what "victory" would look like, or; how we can be seen as winning.
So, as usual, there's the kind of mindless screed one encounters on blogs like Riehl (rhymes with "heil") World View:
This has nothing to do with President Bush. It has everything to do with John Kerry and the party that nominated him for President just two short years ago. It is why good people like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman are abandoning that party, or being tossed out.
Question to Reihl: Name one Democrat who's been 'tossed out' of the party.
And of course, the insipid rhetoric from the parroting Flopping Aces blog:
Rove, you magnificant [sic] bastard! Getting Kerry to display how he really feels about the troops is genius….genius I tell you!
But the post of the day goes to blogger Jon Swift, who penned 'John Kerry Goes Nucular', in which he opines,
Can you imagine having a President who mangles the English language the way Kerry does?
His tongue-in-cheek approach is refreshing, especially as we are at the height of the mud-slinging season.
Kerry doesn't need to apologize to the troops, though he obviously needs to apologize to the Democrats he's harmed by his poor delivery of a bad joke.
Why can't Democrats do comedy? Think Al Gore, or Kerry, or John Murtha. Not funny guys. I suppose they're too focused on the real problems facing our nation and how to avoid being swiftboated by the Republican spin machine to be humorous.
Maybe the real threat of America turning into an unelected, unconstitutional right-wing theocratic quasi-military dictatorship has affected their funny bone.
How about an Al Franken / Stephanie Miller ticket in 2008? At least their delivery would be crisp.
In the end, Rove and the right-wing nut-jobs won this round. Kerry has now withdrawn from the political scene - at least for the next 7 days.
The fact that George Bush called out Kerry on this reinforces the idea that the Republicans are desperate and they'll distort anything that suits their totalitarian-minded purposes.
With less than a week before the mid-terms, it's time to start planning for the worst. If the Republicans lose control of Congress like every poll in America says they should, they won't give up easily and there will be challenges and charges of fraud from the right. If they retain control, it will be due to manipulation, disenfranchisement and outright theft of the voting process. Either way, it looks like November 7 will be just the beginning of the fight.