Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Red Shift: Were Democrats denied a landslide in the 2006 vote?
With the 2006 elections quickly sliding into distant memory, evidence of monumental election fraud is just beginning to surface.
Naturally, with the Democrats taking control of both houses of Congress on November 7, claims of vote fraud are largely being ignored (as in 2000, 2002 and 2004) by the mainstream press.
But the issue of electronic voting and the high probability of hacking and misappropriation of possibly millions of votes is still very much alive and the math behind the theory seems to have expanded exponentially and is becoming increasingly viable.
Shortly after the 2004 election, Dr. Steve Freeman of Pennsylvania University authored a study, [pdf] The Unexplained Exit Poll Discrepancy [pdf] that suggested the results of that election were skewed towards George W. Bush beyond reasonable expectations.
While the report received little fanfare from the mainstream media besides the erudite Keith Olbermann at MSNBC's Countdown, Dr. Freeman continued his research, eventually publishing a book with Joel Bleifuss, editor of In These Times Was the 2004 election stolen?
Most recently Freeman, as the Directory of Election Integrity conducted an extensive exit poll survey in three Pennsylvania counties - Delaware, Montgomery and Chester - which comprised most of the congressional districts in two key races: Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District, which pitted incumbent Jim Gerlach (R) against challenger Lois Murphy (D), and the 7th District, where incumbent Curt Weldon (R) faced a tough race against retired Navy vice admiral, Joe Sestak (D).
The Phase 1 and 2 results are now available online and while Sestak won in the 7th District, Murphy failed to unseat Gerlach in the 6th. The Election Integrity report shows that fraud was not only possible, but probable.
The report also states that as of last Friday (Nov. 17) Delaware County (wherein most of District 6 is located) was still unwilling to release precinct figures. Delaware County Board of Elections Director Laureen Hagan refused to release the precinct figures stating she was, "working with the numbers."
Freeman and his staff intends to get the actual precinct numbers. Stay tuned.
Elsewhere, a couple of reports that may be of interest are those of the Election Defense Alliance, which claims that there was a major miscount of votes in the 2006 elections, on the scale of 4% or roughly 3 million votes nationwide and this post, THE MATH: Democratic Tsunami and GOP House Election Fraud at Progressive Independent by poster truthisall with links to the Truth Is All web site. The post is a rambling discussion and a large amount of raw number crunching on potential election fraud in the 2006 vote. As a guide, the poster states:
For math/stats geeks, it's got to produce euphoria. For the rest of us, the numbers are somewhere between indeciperable and mind-blowing.
More on these developing stories as time and events warrant. Stay tuned... the Democrats don't actully take over the reins of power until January 3rd. There's a lot of time for positioning on the issues until then.
Naturally, with the Democrats taking control of both houses of Congress on November 7, claims of vote fraud are largely being ignored (as in 2000, 2002 and 2004) by the mainstream press.
But the issue of electronic voting and the high probability of hacking and misappropriation of possibly millions of votes is still very much alive and the math behind the theory seems to have expanded exponentially and is becoming increasingly viable.
Shortly after the 2004 election, Dr. Steve Freeman of Pennsylvania University authored a study, [pdf] The Unexplained Exit Poll Discrepancy [pdf] that suggested the results of that election were skewed towards George W. Bush beyond reasonable expectations.
While the report received little fanfare from the mainstream media besides the erudite Keith Olbermann at MSNBC's Countdown, Dr. Freeman continued his research, eventually publishing a book with Joel Bleifuss, editor of In These Times Was the 2004 election stolen?
Most recently Freeman, as the Directory of Election Integrity conducted an extensive exit poll survey in three Pennsylvania counties - Delaware, Montgomery and Chester - which comprised most of the congressional districts in two key races: Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District, which pitted incumbent Jim Gerlach (R) against challenger Lois Murphy (D), and the 7th District, where incumbent Curt Weldon (R) faced a tough race against retired Navy vice admiral, Joe Sestak (D).
The Phase 1 and 2 results are now available online and while Sestak won in the 7th District, Murphy failed to unseat Gerlach in the 6th. The Election Integrity report shows that fraud was not only possible, but probable.
Our initial calculations indicate a disparity of eight percentage points as compared to these unofficial numbers, meaning that our raw polling data indicated that Murphy won the race by nearly 7%.
The report also states that as of last Friday (Nov. 17) Delaware County (wherein most of District 6 is located) was still unwilling to release precinct figures. Delaware County Board of Elections Director Laureen Hagan refused to release the precinct figures stating she was, "working with the numbers."
Freeman and his staff intends to get the actual precinct numbers. Stay tuned.
Elsewhere, a couple of reports that may be of interest are those of the Election Defense Alliance, which claims that there was a major miscount of votes in the 2006 elections, on the scale of 4% or roughly 3 million votes nationwide and this post, THE MATH: Democratic Tsunami and GOP House Election Fraud at Progressive Independent by poster truthisall with links to the Truth Is All web site. The post is a rambling discussion and a large amount of raw number crunching on potential election fraud in the 2006 vote. As a guide, the poster states:
The following analysis estimates the effects of vote switching in the 61 House GOP seats that were in play. It also determines which seats were the most likely candidates for fraud.
For math/stats geeks, it's got to produce euphoria. For the rest of us, the numbers are somewhere between indeciperable and mind-blowing.
More on these developing stories as time and events warrant. Stay tuned... the Democrats don't actully take over the reins of power until January 3rd. There's a lot of time for positioning on the issues until then.